Mentor Mo from the Projects!

Moses grew up in Baltimore’s inner city projects. He drank alcohol and smoked weed off-and-on for years…but once he tried heroin, at age 27, he couldn’t stop.

Couldn’t stop for almost 3 years…but Mo didn’t like the guy he became — and went into detox. When it was over, he was still craving the drug — so he decided he needed to do a lot more recovery work.

Moses’ family hooked him up with Helping Up Mission and he joined our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program in November 2014. The first few weeks were hard — still feeling the effects of withdrawal and still wanting to use.

But Mo also wanted a different way of life. So he focused the best he could, made some serious spiritual connections and hung out with people who were thinking like he was.

It worked!

Mo started feeling better about himself, which just intensified his efforts. He also made a choice to access all the things we do here — which he believed would help him in the future.

Beyond diligently doing his daily classes and work therapy responsibilities, Mo went to our Innovative Learning Center and started working on his High School diploma. He also signed up to take every afternoon elective group meeting we have –we call it HUM University — and received 8 certificates.

Mo also joined our HUM Back on My Feet running team and began networking with all the other BoMF folks outside of here.

Upon graduation from HUM one year later, Mo had his Maryland High School diploma, Maryland driver’s license and a job mentoring inner city children in Baltimore — and he thinks he’s found his calling!

Mo moved off campus last week but stopped by class this week and shared his story. It was inspiring to the new guys sitting there.

Inspired me, too!

One Guy at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director