Proverb for the Day 20:12 — Can You Hear Me? Did You See That?

Ears that hear and eyes that see— the LORD has made them both.

“Ears that hear and eyes that see” are aspects of our being and everyday life that we tend to take for granted – until we can’t do either! This proverb reminds us to appreciate both as coming from “the LORD.”

It is a healthy activity to stop and recognize all the abilities and opportunities we have in life that come from God. He gave each to us – at least for today – so use it, enjoy it, share it with others and appreciate the privilege.

When Moses was complaining to God about his inability to speak well, the LORD responded by saying, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD?” (Ex 4:11). The reality is that God has the power and does make both the deaf, mute, seeing and blind. But, as with Moses and his speech, God uses these exact situations in each of our lives to teach us invaluable life lessons.

After all, as Job once said, “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised” (Job 1:21). So much of what we tend to take for granted is a gift from God and we should make the most of it – one day at a time.