You’ve Given Billie-Jean New Hope and Purpose

“I felt like I was just a waste of a life,” Billie-Jean recalls. For years, the mother of two had struggled with a drug addiction she couldn’t shake. And while she’d tried different rehab programs, deep down she knew something was missing.

Billie-Jean realized what that “something” was when she saw the change in her boyfriend, who had recently graduated from Helping Up Mission’s Spiritual Recovery Program. “I saw the transformation firsthand,” she says. “And realized that what was missing from my life was the spiritual aspect of recovery. I needed more than just rehab.”

From her very first day at HUM, Billie-Jean felt at home because she “could tell the staff genuinely care.” She entered our Spiritual Recovery Program comprised of expert counseling, Bible studies, life-skills classes, recovery classes, work therapy, health and wellness, and much more. And today she feels like a brand-new woman.

“God has totally lifted the desire for drugs from me, just took it away.”

Billie-Jean is forever grateful for the new life she’s been given and for caring people like you who support our Center for Women & Children.

“Before I came to Helping Up Mission, I was empty,” Billie-Jean says. “At HUM, not only did I find help with my addiction, but they’ve made me feel like a woman with a purpose in life. Now I know when God’s number one in my life, nothing is impossible.”

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