It’s a miracle that Ryan is alive today… In an act of “tough love,” Ryan’s parents kicked him out of the house when he turned 18. His addiction was growing out of control. Ryan was gripped by so much...
“When you come here, it’s like you’re home.” When George arrived at Helping Up Mission last fall, he was shaking so badly he could hardly walk. Heavy drinking had taken a severe toll on the one-time...
You gave Dashawn a safe haven… and hope! Dashawn never imagined she’d be in a battle with addiction. But when her mother passed away suddenly, she found herself turning to alcohol to ease the pain.
Lee has a personal relationship with God. “I couldn’t do five miles. I couldn’t. But, before I knew it, I was walking a quarter mile, a half mile, a mile, and two miles.”
You’ve given Billie-Jean new hope and purpose. “I felt like I was just a waste of a life,” Billie-Jean recalls. For years, the mother of two had struggled with a drug addiction she couldn’t shake the...