Meet the Growing Need

The trouble with Charm City

Did you know 1 in 9 people in Greater Baltimore is fighting addiction? The consequences extend far beyond chronic homelessness. They affect us all…

A Deadly Problem

Baltimore’s drug problem is alarming. According to CDC reports, Baltimore has the worst rate of deaths by drug overdose. But this is about more than just numbers and statistics – those are merely the surface. This is about saving the lives of moms and dads, brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters in our community, regardless of race, culture, faith, neighborhood, education, vocation, or financial status. None of those protect against substance abuse.

This is what we’re up against:

Chronic homelessness, poverty, neighborhood blight, and broken families are only a few of the most visible effects of this modern-day epidemic.

Temporary solutions

Government, churches, non-profits, and the private sector have all grappled with the addiction crisis for decades, experimenting with a broad variety of anti-drug strategies.

While we don’t question anyone’s intentions, the problem with these responses is that they don’t address the root issues of addiction.


Short-term rehab

Needle exchange

Job & education programs

As a result, relapse is almost always inevitable.

Many people confess they’ve planned their next “high” while participating in court-ordered rehab. Parents admit feeling relief for a son’s prison sentence, because it at least compels a brief period of sobriety. Job programs, while an important part of recovery, cannot be the sole solution because they provide men and women in active addiction with resources to fund additional abuse.

And while the causes of substance abuse are diverse, the effects are almost always the same – a tailspin of increasingly self-destructive actions that lead to broken relationships, poverty, jail, and homelessness.

Even the misery of the streets – hunger, cold, violence – is not enough to break addiction’s grip. So the person stumbles, and all of Baltimore suffers.

Together, we’re making a difference against the crisis!


Nights of Shelter


Counseling Sessions Offered


Men and Women Served Through Our Programs


Spiritual Recovery Program Graduates


Meals Provided

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