Chronic homelessness, poverty, neighborhood blight, and broken families are only a few of the most visible effects of this modern-day epidemic.
Many people confess they’ve planned their next “high” while participating in court-ordered rehab. Parents admit feeling relief for a son’s prison sentence, because it at least compels a brief period of sobriety. Job programs, while an important part of recovery, cannot be the sole solution because they provide men and women in active addiction with resources to fund additional abuse.
And while the causes of substance abuse are diverse, the effects are almost always the same – a tailspin of increasingly self-destructive actions that lead to broken relationships, poverty, jail, and homelessness.
Even the misery of the streets – hunger, cold, violence – is not enough to break addiction’s grip. So the person stumbles, and all of Baltimore suffers.
In our experience, at the heart of each person’s struggle is a tragic brokenness, often from childhood, that leads him or her to seek comfort or escape through chemicals or other compulsive behaviors. Only by addressing these core issues can each man and woman experience true, lasting freedom from addiction.
Helping Up Mission provides hope, healing, and renewal to men and women fighting addiction and homelessness through Christ-centered, scientifically sound recovery programs and services. These comprehensively address physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs over a period of at least one year.
Men’s Programs
Equipping men to overcome addiction and other challenges they may face so they can return to their families and communities as leaders and role models.
Women’s Programs
Empowering women and moms with babies to rebuild their lives and experience true transformation, helping to break the generational cycle of addiction or trauma.
Visiting the toughest neighborhoods in Greater Baltimore to meet immediate needs and build relationships, encouraging people to find help at HUM.
Nights of Shelter
Counseling Sessions Offered
Men and Women Served Through Our Programs
Spiritual Recovery Program Graduates
Meals Provided
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