Men's Programs

Our men’s programs combine faith and science to help men rebuild their lives from the inside out.

In this community of hope, they’ll receive all the support and services they need – equipping and empowering them to be the fathers, leaders, and role models God intends them to be.

Working together with other men, they’ll discover a life they might not have believed was ever possible.

Our innovative recovery model integrates primary healthcare and behavioral health, including:

Spiritual 12-step principles

Workforce development


Life enrichment activities

Our model includes these four main programs serving men:

Mens program image
men's shelter baltimore

Spiritual Recovery Program

Comprehensive treatment for men fighting addiction and homelessness

The flagship program of Helping Up Mission, our Spiritual Recovery Program, integrates the latest scientific understanding of addiction treatment with intense spiritual development. For one full year, men live here at the Mission in a 12-step therapeutic community. They are immersed in a culture of healing and wellness that meets their physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs through four timed phases.

PHASE 1 – SEEDS OF HOPE (Days 1 – 45)
Men detach from outside distractions for 45 days to acclimate to the day-to-day activities of the program, eliminating almost all contact with the outside world (except family after two weeks).

During this initial stage, men begin the process of recovery and restoration by focusing on the following key areas:
1. Professional clinical counseling 
2. Support and accountability meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous 
3. Spiritual 101 through Bible studies, chapel, and discipleship 
4. Work therapy assignment

PHASE 2 – ALPHA (Days 46 – 105)
In this second phase, men continue to work through the fundamentals that began in Phase 1 and continue their personal growth through:
1. Life skills classes
2. Developing habits of healthy, chemical-free living
3. Life enrichment activities like choir, therapeutic art, and hiking
4. Customized treatment based on their own particular history or needs

Men can resume measured contact with the outside world. They can attend church and outside support groups, have coffee with a sponsor, and communicate more frequently with family members.

PHASE 3 – OMEGA (Days 106 – 195)
During this third phase, men gain deeper insights into God’s plan for their lives through:
1. The chance to earn their GED if they didn’t complete high school
2. An opportunity to pursue new training and employment through trade schools
3. A heavy emphasis on relapse prevention and personal growth 
4. Exploring scripture in classes, home groups, Bible studies, and church

PHASE 4 – LIFE PREP (Days 196 – 365)
This final phase lays the foundation for a return to society: 
1. After completing Work Therapy on our campus, men are ready to pursue opportunities with external employers
2. To ensure they’re equipped to juggle the demands of independent living, clients continue participating in spiritual development and counseling 
3. Some men require medical or dental care, and this is usually the time non-emergency health issues are addressed
4. We help men prepare for graduation by connecting them with outside accountability: sponsors, recovery support groups, a home church, etc.

The graduate of the Spiritual Recovery Program is not only sober, but transformed. They can expect to live a life that is reasonably happy without chemicals.

Each Friday, we celebrate the graduates of our Spiritual Recovery Program at our weekly chapel.

Are you, or someone you love, ready to get help?

There’s not a better time for recovery than now! Contact us today:

Call our 24-hour hotline 410-929-6999

Overnight Guest Services 

This foundational program, which was established in 1885, serves men experiencing homelessness. Here, men sleep in a dormitory-style bed and receive two nutritious meals, a hot shower, and clothing. This program offers hope, encouragement, and the opportunity for real and permanent change – men who acknowledge the need for help can interview to enter our Spiritual Recovery Program or other HUM residential programs, depending on their individual needs.

Find out more about how we meet the immediate needs of men today to help inspire them on their journey to transformation tomorrow.

If you or someone you know needs help, call our 24-hour hotline at 410-929-6999.

Overnight guest services
Next step program

Next Step Program 

In partnership with local healthcare institutions, we’re providing additional care to assist patients in their recovery. The Next Step Program provides local hospitals with a safe, stable residential facility to refer patients who need additional or ongoing care, but do not need to be in a costly hospital bed. The goal is to help patients take the next step in the process of their recovery journey. 

If you, or someone you love, is ready to enroll in our program, contact us today:

Call our 24-hour hotline 410-929-6999

Veteran’s Services

In 2011, HUM established a partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs to address the needs of homeless veterans in Greater Baltimore. We are honored to serve these American heroes and provide short-term transitional housing as we help them secure permanent housing. These men and women may elect to transition to the Spiritual Recovery Program, where other veterans are also returning to wholeness.

If you or someone you know is a veteran in need of help, please call Assistant Director of Programs Rasheed Savage at 410-675-7500, ext. 1154, or email him at for more information.

Verterans services
Ricardo Castro 16 HUM

Hispanic Clients Clientes hispanos

Recovery is for ANYONE who needs it.

To address the needs of men who do not speak English, we provide care and curriculum in Spanish – so they can experience the same journey of healing and transformation as they work to rebuild their lives.

If you would like more information about our service to Hispanic clients, call our 24-hour hotline at 410-929-6999.

La recuperación es para CUALQUIER persona que lo necesite. Para abordar las necesidades de los hombres que no hablan Inglés, proporcionamos la asistencia y un plan de estudios en su idioma – para que puedan sentirse el proceso de curación y transformación mientras trabajan para reconstruir sus vidas.

Si está interesado en obtener más información sobre nuestro servicios para clientes hispanos, llama a la línea directa de 24 horas: 410-929-6999.

“The Mission… is teaching me to be a better man.”

Mike was on his deathbed because of an overdose, but it ended up being the start of a new life!

Read Mike's story
Michael Slagle 8 HUM

Our Men’s Program is effective, here’s proof:


Program graduates since the beginning


Graduates in 2023

Ongoing care on the path to independent living.

After graduation, some men need additional support on their journey of independence. That’s why we offer Graduate Programs to support men in this life-long process of renewal and restoration. 

Cta icon 1 Meet critical needs & transform lives!

Your generosity will restore hope and help vulnerable men and women in Greater Baltimore break the grip of addiction and homelessness and rebuild their lives.

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