We raise up broken men and women, and Greater Baltimore with them.

At Helping Up Mission, we believe God’s love can set people free — from drugs and alcohol, from poverty and homelessness, and from any other self-destructive behavior.

However, it’s not enough to tell a person who has struggled with addiction for years that “Jesus loves you” and expect a miraculous recovery. Contrary to common thinking, addiction is not simply the result of poor personal choices, immorality, or weakness. It’s much more complex.

Consequently, our approach to treatment is holistic in nature. Our Spiritual Recovery Program integrates the practical needs of our clients — food, clothing, shelter — with their clinical, mental health, medical, educational, and vocational needs. All of that is built upon a Gospel foundation. And by God’s grace, it can lead to lasting change.

Mission Statement
Helping Up Mission provides hope to people experiencing homelessness, poverty or addiction by meeting their physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs.

Core Values
1. Christian – Providing a Christ-centered environment based upon Biblical principles of grace, love and service.
2. Community – Fostering a loving therapeutic culture of healthy relationships that supports life transformation.
3. Integrity – Acting with honesty, openness and willingness to do the right thing before God and others.
4. Accountability – Accepting responsibility for decisions and actions in all relationships.
5. Empowerment – Developing qualities of personal worth, dignity, mutual respect and encouraging the setting of life goals.
6. Innovation – Actively seeking creative strategies, practices, and partnerships to enhance and expand Mission effectiveness and excellence.

Every year, we provide...


Nights of shelter
(550 nightly)


(1,650 per day)


Items of clothing and personal care


Counseling sessions

Meet Our Team

We are supporters, servants, and friends of men and women who are overcoming addiction and poverty. Many of us are Spiritual Recovery Program graduates ourselves.

Financial Accountability & Transparency

Helping Up Mission is committed to the highest standards of stewardship, and to transparency in all our operations. You have the right to view our financial reports, and to visit the Mission to see how your support is transforming lives.

990 Forms Submitted to the IRS

2022 | 2021 | 20202019 | 201820172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

Audited Financial Statements

2022 | 2021 |20202019 | 201820172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

If you have any questions, contact us.

Our Community Partners —

Businesses & Organizations Building a Better Baltimore

There are many ways to transform our community with Helping Up Mission. Some partners conduct food, toiletry or coat drives. Others send groups to serve meals. Still others provide professional services to our clients, or initiate internal fundraising campaigns…

Partners for Recovery
We’re extraordinarily grateful for the following community partners, who truly make life better for our guests.

Let’s Work Together
Email our Philanthropy Department at philanthropy@helpingup.org or call us at 410-675-4357 to become a part of the solution.

What Local Leaders Say About Us

Come Take a Tour!

You are warmly invited to visit Helping Up Mission. You’ll be inspired to see how your prayers and support are transforming lives.

To schedule a tour, call 410-675-HELP (4357) or email volunteering@helpingup.org.