Friends at Helping Up Mission

One of the most inspiring things about my job at Helping Up Mission is meeting the folks who volunteer time here.  There is a genuine enthusiasm from our volunteers which offers a whole new avenue of hope to the men in our Program.  Our men feel not-forgotten, important and even respected as individuals worthy of someone else’s (generally a perfect stranger – at first) time and interest.  I can tell you that our men are greatly enriched by the presence of our volunteers.

I also hear the volunteers, themselves, talk about how blessed they feel after spending their time here.  Carter has been coming weekly to help in our Development Office for over 5 years.  Rachel and her husband came to serve Thanksgiving dinner here 3 years ago.  She works full-time as a nurse, but makes it a priority in her schedule to help in our kitchen one day a week.  Last night I met a new math tutor, an engineer recently moved into the area, who has just started working with our men. 

I am humbled as I meet these folks and realize who they are and all they do.  They consider it a valuable use of their time to come and invest in our men.  This is a wonderful place – where young and old, rich and poor, educated and not-yet-educated, spiritual and seeking meet together and share. 

I truly thank God for all the members of our extended ever-growing Helping Up Mission family.  It is my privilege to work with them.  


Pastor Gary Byers

Spiritual Life Director

PS  If you would like to volunteer time with us or would just like to take a tour of our facilities and get to know what is going on down here (and that includes sitting in on one of my classes), just contact Kenny Weir in our Development Office (x 144 or