Prayer and a Bible

Helping Up Mission’s 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program is built around Biblical principles for everyday life. Consequently we want every guy to have a Bible of his own that he can keep with him, get comfortable with and use effectively. Today, we have a wonderful collection of new Bibles donated by friends who believe our approach is a good idea (see my blogs from 3/1/11, 10/5/10 and 8/12/08). Thanks so much for the support – but we keep getting new men in here, so keep them coming, please.

Frequently a new guy will tell me that he can’t read the print in the Bibles we have. While there is a wonderful eye-care program here that provides glasses during a man’s initial phase of our program, many want to get started more quickly. And the ability to read is the Bible and other things is pretty important around here. So, large print Bibles are greatly appreciated and in high demand, and I usually don’t have an extra one laying around when a guy asks. I tell them that Jesus knows and we will often pray right there and ask the LORD to provide one.

Three weeks ago Rob joined our Program and said he needed a large print Bible. I said I didn’t have any at the time and that he should pray about it and let’s see what Jesus will do. Rob took me seriously and wrote a prayer request for a large print Bible on the Prayer Sheet the next morning. I prayed for Rob’s Bible.

That was the week Jon, David and Mark began our Prayer Partner program – with folks elsewhere also praying for our daily prayer requests. One of the folks at Oak Crest Village, who had started praying over our prayer requests, read and prayed for Rob’s Bible. Then she decided she could do more than just pray. She got him one and sent it to him here at Helping Up Mission.

We are grateful to God for all His mercies. We are also grateful for all the love, support and prayers of His people. 

One Prayer at a time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Spiritual Life Director