Al, Dick, Dan and Jesus!

Haven’t seen Al, ’00 Helping Up Mission graduate, for years.  Today he lives and works in Baltimore.  Since graduating from HUM, Al has earned his BA and is now finishing an MA.  He’s also stayed active in his church and today has a leadership role there.  This Jesus stuff really works!

Just saw Dick who graduates in 2 weeks. He was fired up, “I’ve been in many programs in multiple states and this one is the best I’ve ever seen!” Thx for the props, Dick, but I know it is your attitude and focus under God, more than anything else, that has really made the difference. We’re just glad to have the chance to be part of that process in your life.

Dan did the crime and then was facing the time – 2 life sentences were on the table in another state! Unexplainably, Dan says, the victim suggested to the judge that Dan was probably an addict and might be helped by some sort of rehab program. The court accepted the suggestion and sentenced him to rehab instead.

While that was a few years ago and he did continue to struggle with drugs, it was the first time in his life Dan ever gave considerable thought to the fact that there just might be a God.  Now Dan’s an upper classman at HUM learning a lot more about that God who moved in his court case.

One Guy at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director