Proverb for the Day 19:11 — Wisdom, Patience, Forgiveness – What a Way to Live!

A man’s wisdom gives him patience, it is to his glory to overlook an offense.

One of the benefits of being connected to wisdom is access to patience. “Seeing life from God’s point of view” (our HUM Character Quality definition of wisdom) helps us “accept a difficult situation from God without giving Him deadline to remove it” (our HUM Character Quality definition of patience).

Along with these wonderful qualities, this verse adds that we can also receive the empowerment to overlook offenses toward us or others – similar to our HUM Character Quality definition of forgiveness – “healing others by using their offenses as a means of expressing to them God’s love.”

We don’t have to continue going through life unwise, impatient and unforgiving! Totally accessible to all of us—wisdom, patience and forgiveness offer a great way to live.

If interested, check out all 26 weekly Character Qualities we work at practicing daily here at Helping Up Mission: