Jim’s Happy Birthday to His Wife!

Jim is 60 years old and just finished his initial 45-day restriction at Helping Up Mission. He will be able to spend the weekend with his wife to celebrate her birthday.

Drinking for 46 years, Jim chared in class today that this was his longest clean time since age 14! You would think he must have grown up with Tony (http://helpingupmission.blogspot.com/2013/10/record-clean-time-3-days.html)!

In addition, Jim said he does not remember ever picking up a Bible before arriving here. It was two weeks before he finally took his first Bible off the shelf in my classroom. Jim came up to me that morning, with a slight smile, and announced he was going to give it a try!

Since then Jim has memorized Bible verses and reads the daily chapter of Proverbs that matches the date – both class assignments. Yesterday he showed me that he now uses two Bibles, so he can compare what they say!

Jim sure seems content these days…and happy birthday to his wife!

Always One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director