54 & Feeling Pretty Good These Days!

Mack arrived at Helping Up Mission last spring. He had been living in his addiction away from family and friends, so when he wound up in jail, almost no one knew.

But in the arrest and incarceration process, Mack finally surrendered to God. He wound up coming to HUM directly from jail. Once here, he settled in and made the most of this new situation, although it was a far cry from the corporate world in which he once excelled.

While here, Mack began reconnecting with family and friends. While a lot of them haven’t quite understand all that is going on, they can see a change and are happy for him.

So this week, Mack turned 54. He’s a different guy than when he arrived and certainly not the same guy they used to know out there. On his birthday, he was pretty overwhelmed and humbled by all the birthday messages he received. He had never experienced such an outpouring of love from so many people who cared about him.

Mack graduates from our 12-month Spiritual Recovery Program in 2 months and it has been an amazing journey for him. While not sure yet where everything is going, Mack is convinced that God has all this under control, too!

One Day at a Time,
Pastory Gary Byers
Deputy Director