I Avoided Her for 10 Years!

Terry was one of three siblings. Sadly, one passed away a few years back and that left only Terry and his sister.

Living in his alcohol addiction, Terry didn’t want to go around her. One reason was his embarrassment and the other was that while he was using he just didn’t think about other people very much. It’s been 10 years since they last talked.

Terry’s been part of our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program for over four months. Now that he is clean and sober thinking, he’s a different guy.

So, recently Terry saw one of his cousins and she was very pleased to see the change. She told another cousin…who got hold of Terry’s sister in another state. Sis then asked around and got information on how to find Terry. She called him here at Helping Up Mission last week.

Terry was so pleased that his sister called, let alone that she would even consider talking with him! They made plans to see each other in the near future.

Our addiction destroys so much in our lives, let alone in the lives of others who care about us. Both Terry and his sister have suffered through his addiction long enough!

Anyone ready to be honest with themselves, God and others about their own issues, can also expect some of the same. It’s a God-thing!

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director