Big John & Little John – Big-Boy Stuff These Days!

Big John’s an older guy who struggled with alcohol for decades. It cost him jobs and relationships.

So, 18 months ago, big old John arrived here for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program. A quiet guy – until you get him fired up! – Big John wasn’t real happy to be here.

But he finally settled in, graduated a year later and has stayed on doing security here. Today Big John’s a big advocate for the Helping Up Mission Way!

Little John’s a young guy who arrived here 2 months ago. He wasn’t quiet and wasn’t happy to be here, either.

Both work at HUM in the same department with Mo’ as their supervisor. A couple of weeks ago Mo pulled Big John aside and told him he needed to act like a mentor for Little John, to help him settle down.

Old Big John would probably not have been willing to stick his neck out for someone he didn’t know or like. But New Big John said okay and got with the young guy.

They actually hit it off and little John appreciated the old guy helping him navigate his way through our program. In fact, when LJ’s mom was here visiting, he even introduced Old John to her and now they talk, too!

Helping Up Mission is one big dysfunctional family where one guy helps another guy. And in the process both get a little better.

I’ve got to give it away to keep it!

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director