“I’ll Save Money If I Shoot It Rather Than Snort It!”

Casey’s a bright young guy who had a good job and a pretty good life. While he’d been able to keep it pretty much under control, part of his daily routine for years was snorting cocaine.

But Casey’s tolerance for the drug was going up and he needed to use more and more to get something close to the effect he wanted – and that was getting expensive!

So he made the decision to shoot it, rather than snort it. He would use less and get the same effect quicker – and be able to save a lot of money!

His new plan lasted 3 weeks! He lost his job, family and things. Consequently, Casey wound up at Helping Up Mission for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program.

That was 3 months ago. When he arrived he was a young guy, full of himself who still wanted to play a bit – and he did!

But Casey also learned that recovery is hard work – one day at a time. He started getting serious about making some changes and started committing himself to that daily process.

Casey stuck his head in my classroom while I was meeting with the newest guys here. He shared with them his own story – deciding to settle in for the long haul and how well things are working for him.

Today he’s feeling better, thinking better and looking better! No surprise – Casey’s a bright guy and now that he’s clean and focused this recovery stuff looks like a no-brainer!

Relationships are coming back, too. And just in time – he’s going to be a father! An additional motivation to stay the course.

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director