Mark Got His Soul Back!

When I returned last week from my archaeological excavation in the Holy Land, I asked guys in class about all the things that had happened around here while I was gone. We discussed sports and local news and then guys began to share some personal things.

Mark said “Five and a half months ago – when I came here – I got my soul back!”

While not an evil person who deliberately hurt others, drugs kept Mark out of control for years. He did care about people and didn’t mean to hurt them – yet, in his addiction, he caused lots of collateral damage in the lives of loved ones.

While feeling good about all that’s been happening, in class that day, Mark added he also knows that now – almost half way through our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program – he still has more do.

His recovery network and spiritual disciplines need to get firmer and stronger. He also needs to start thinking about life and career after Helping Up Mission.

Not that we’re trying to push Mark out! After graduation from here he can continue living in graduate transitional housing on campus while going to college, trade school or back at work.

Today, Mark has everyday responsibilities in our transportation department and is faithful and conscientious in his dealings. His work ethic, skills and life-experience will enable him to accomplish much in the future.

These are pretty cool times for a guy who just recently got his soul back! He’s not rushing the process…and we’re there, in his corner, to encourage him every step of the way.

One Soul at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director