Old Bobby, New Ways!

Bobby’s struggled with drugs for decades. He showed up at Helping Up Mission for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program just tired and worn out.

Every man in our Program has a daily work responsibility we call Work Therapy. While many guys wouldn’t agree, the fact is – it really does have therapeutic value!

Bobby’s daily responsibility is housekeeping on the floor where my office is located. He likes to be sure everything’s ready before staff starts arriving each morning.

This morning, Bobby showed me his 6-month clean-time key chain from NA (Narcotics Anonymous). I congratulated him and asked how long it’s been since he did 6 months clean. 

Bobby though about 30 seconds and said, “I honestly can’t remember!” Another pause and he said, “I did have small amounts of clean time along the way, but this is the longest period without chemicals I can remember.”

Then I asked what makes this time different than before. Bobby replied, “I’m 64!” Then he added, “I have Jesus in my heart and He really makes a difference!”

As a 63-year old guy, myself, I’m feeling what this 64-year old’s talking about. It’s also why I love my job!

One Year At A Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director