Old Daniel’s Gone & The New One’s Feeling Pretty Good These Days!

Daniel stopped in my classroom this week. His job brought him into this part of town that morning and he wanted to say hi.

We first met when he showed up here in 2011. After 42 years of drug addiction, Daniel was homeless, penniless and estranged from his wife.

He went to the hospital for detox and afterward was directed to Helping Up Mission for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program. Daniel’s been in and out of programs in the past – even did a few years of clean time here and there over those 42 years of addiction – and he didn’t feel like doing another one.

But, with no better place to go, he reluctantly showed up. Upon arriving, he looked around at our campus and decided it was worth a try. After a brief adjustment period, Daniel got with the program, settled in and embraced all we do here.

He graduated one year later – his wife was there, too – and he moved back home with her that day! Daniel also got a job in the city as a Recovery Peer Advocate – a clean addict helping another addict get clean – and he’s been passing it on to others ever since.

Daniel’s been recognized and promoted for his good work and, while it’s been a few years now, he also decided to go back to college for some additional training and another degree.

Almost 60 years old, Daniel feels young again! That’s what new life in recovery can do for a guy.

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director