’10…’12…’14 — In The House!

One of the things I love about my job at Helping Up Mission is the daily opportunity to see tangible results of what we do here every day in our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program.

Historically, one of every five men who enter our doors graduates one year later — with, typically, two grads each week. About half those graduates immediately move off campus, the other half continue living here for a while in graduate transitional housing.

Yesterday, Tommy was scheduled to speak to my class of new guys. A ’10 HUM grad, now with six years clean, he stayed after graduation another six months before moving on.

Tommy’s 12-Step home group meets on our campus, so he’s a regular fixture here. And speaking monthly in my morning class is another part of his giving back to HUM and the guys.

But before Tommy started speaking ’14 HUM grad Harry stopped by. He often comes by the campus in the evenings after work, but this is the first time I’ve seen him for a while.

Moving on shortly after his graduation, Harry still works at the job our Vocational Coordinator set him up with — and was recently promoted!

Finally, Mac showed up, too. A ’12 HUM grad and now clean four years, he stayed on here for an additional year as a graduate intern.

Surviving a heart attack over a year ago, Mac recently took a new job and had the morning free. He came by to see a family member now progressing through our Program. He also decided to stop by my classroom to give a shout out!

It was a wonderful moment for me to have these three guys show up at the same time. I also know it was powerful for the new guys sitting there to see the tangible proof that Spiritual Recovery really does work!

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director