After 3 Years Here…Greg’s Moving On — Back With His Wife!

Greg, 42, arrived at Helping Up Mission over 3 years ago struggling with his drug addiction. A quiet, gentle, hardworking guy — he just couldn’t stop getting high…and wound up losing his job and his marriage.

At that point, his sister (10 years in recovery, herself) helped Greg get here for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program. A good guy when clean and focused, he was willing to follow suggestions and was able to make some significant changes in his thinking…and behaviors.

When eligible, Greg went back to work in the community. Then he graduated from our Program and, with no better place to go, decided to continue living here on campus in graduate transitional housing.

But this new Greg also began communicating with his wife again. While he was changing, she had been working on her own issues, too.

So, at the end of October — 3 years after arriving here — Greg finally moved on. He and his wife have a new place together close to work for both of them.

When we make changes on the inside, things also change for us on the outside!

One Day at a time for them…one day at a time for us,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director