Ribbon Cutting – Center for Women & Children

“We have waited what seems to be a long time, for this vision of helping women and children to become a reality. Women struggling with chemical addiction and homelessness need the same kind of help our men at HUM have received for 27 years.
Finally, today the vision is on its way to becoming a fully realized reality.

There is an Old Testament proverb that embodies some of what we’re feeling today. It says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

This building is a longing fulfilled, and it will be, for decades to come, a tree of life for thousands of women and their children.

As the word gets out that help is available, women who now live in shame and despair will no longer have to retreat into the dark places.

They, along with their kids, can now come boldly out into the light and receive the comprehensive help they need to get well and have a bright future.”

— Bob Gehman

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