One Labor Day at a Time!

Last year Franky couldn’t wait for the start of his Labor Day gala and he got royally drunk with his peeps! It sounded like it would be such a good time…but you know how those things often turn out.

Franky has been at Helping Up Mission just over 3 months. This year, he went to a Labor Day cookout picnic with a good guy from church. Plenty of good food, there was lots of alcohol, too. 

But Franky has learned a few things. Now that he’s been clean a while, he sees things a bit clearer. Looking around, it really didn’t seem all that much fun, anymore.

People who knew “Old Franky,” commented on how good he was looking and how proud they were of him. Some even began apologizing for their drinking. One even admitted he needed help, too!

Franky told him, “When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you’ll do what I did!”

What a difference a Labor Day makes!

…One at a Time!
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director