“I try to do two things each day for my recovery: trust God and help others.” – Greg’s recovery story

“Part of me thinks that it was because I was doing so well – maybe I could get away with one… I shot up while driving and I just had an immediate overdose…the last thing I remember was a loud crash. My next conscious memory is three weeks later in Johns Hopkins ICU surrounded by doctors with machines and tubes everywhere. My parents are there and crying, so I started crying.”

Read more at helpingupmission.org/stories/gregp

Greg Pabst

Recovery Retreat & Mannequin Challenges (video)

This month we took small groups of our men in recovery to an overnight retreat at Camp Wabanna on the Chesapeake Bay. Watch as men share their favorite moments.

Around the bonfire, some of our men took the #mannequinchallenge to the next level!

And here’s another mannequin challenge that we did in our cafeteria: