
Dave is 50 years old. He has certifications and experience in a couple of trades and made good money – when he wasn’t using drugs.  But his addiction eventually, always, took him out!  He would lose virtually everything, clean up his act and go back at it again.

In the midst of all this carnage, Dave’s had an ongoing court case that’s remained open for over a decade – including jail-time, parole and probation. His last court visit was not a very positive experience for him and Dave realized it’s time.

There’s a phrase in recovery – if nothing changes, nothing changes! That was Dave. I guess the good thing is that he finally understands it now. He wants to do different, he wants to be different – so Dave’s begun making changes.

Now a graduate of Helping Up Mission, Dave also earned his high school diploma while here. He’s seen a mental health counselor who has helped him face critical issues in his life. Dave is also taking an important medication that is also really helping.

I took Dave to a job interview yesterday in one of the fields of his expertise. Don’t know if he will get this one or not – but this is not the old Dave. Things are changing and he knows how it works – one day at a time.

One guy at a time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director