Old K

A spiritual walk is a lifetime journey and the only way to live it is one day at a time. If we mess up, we just have to ‘fess up and get back at it again.

Recovery is also life-long journey.  Alcoholics and addicts in recovery often still struggle.  But they can also have victory – one day at a time. If they mess up, they must also ‘fess up and get back at it again.

Kenny’s an old guy in full-blown addiction and almost died.  When he went into cardiac arrest, the junkies with whom he was using stole all his stuff, but also called 911 and saved his life.  Kenney was taken to a DC medical facility where a human medical “angel” coordinated his coming HUM.

K knew God had spared him and brought him here, so he’s been pretty attentive! He just got off our initial 45-day blackout period and was ready to go to his first outside 12 Step meeting.

Wes and Sean are two young guys who have been going to a particular meeting and took Kenny with them.  Kenny had attended that group many years ago but has been away in his addiction a long time.

The night Kenny went was the 30th anniversary clean date celebration of a member of that group and all the old-timers showed up. K saw so many old friends and they were so pleased to see what was happening in his life today. Wes and Sean pointed out that Kenny knew more people at the meeting than they did!

We all struggle with our daily walk and when we mess up, we just have to regroup and go at it again… 

The way it works of all of us is, always and only, One Day at a Time!
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director