Proverb for the Day 25:11 — A Masterpiece!

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.

As the modern proverbs says, “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” Yet all of us can appreciate good artistry. A beautiful artistic creation made from expensive materials (silver and gold in this verse) was obviously of great value and worth in the ancient world. Just having access to these valuable raw materials was beyond the average person’s experience. To have a skilled craftsman then turn it into a beautiful work of art gave it even greater value.

Yet this verse suggests a good word at the right time is as beautiful as an artistic masterpiece. So often just a smile and pleasant word from someone else has made a difference in our day. Many of us have even had life-changing moments because of appropriate words at a critical time in our lives.

Since this verse is true – let’s consider making the effort to regularly say a good word to others, thus creating something special for them. Just no telling how far-reaching such “a word aptly spoken” might go!