Proverb for the Day 10:30 — Hang Out Here or Be Gone…You Choose!

The righteous will never be uprooted, but the wicked will not remain in the land
This wise saying contrasts what happens to “the righteous” and “the wicked.” The righteous “will never be uprooted” – suggesting stability and continuity. The wicked get no such assurance – they “will not remain in the land.” 
It’s a straight forward statement and striking contrast of what each can expect in this life, even the life to come. But even more important than what will happen is why it happens.
By definition, “the righteous” are those living according to a God-established standard. It is the result of conscious deliberate choices they made and continue making. 
Here’s how that works. “The righteous” recognize their own powerlessness to do what’s required. They’ve also accepted that God promises He can and will do it for them.
Then, it’s a daily decision to continually let Him do in my life what I can’t do for myself. That’s how we go to Heaven! It’s also how to do a daily spiritual walk.
In contrast, “the wicked” are those guilty of not living according to God’s standard. The reason is they think they have a better plan and can work it out themselves. They’ve not yet come to grips with their own need.

An interesting paradox – none of us are able to meet God’s standard in our own strength. Those who admit such are declared “righteous,” receive His empowerment and begin making better choices. Those who don’t admit their need are left to their own failing devices to work it out the best they can – a dead end!

It’s the same as the Biblical basis behind the first 3 of the 12 Steps: I Can’t (Step 1); He Can (Step 2); So Let Him (Step 3). That’s how we do recovery…how we go to Heaven…how a daily spiritual walk becomes a reality!