Never Been Happier In His Whole Life!!!

Marshal’s 50-something and has battled alcohol for 40 years. While he came from a loving family, they did not find his love of alcohol appropriate for their family circle.

So, loved at arm’s length, Marshal continued to wander through life never really settling down into anything meaningful. Finally, four years ago, it got so bad that his sisters intervened.

Through their church, they had volunteered at Helping Up Mission on a number of occasions. They believed in what we do here and decided their brother should join our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program.

They told him “enough is enough” and he was just too miserable and tired to fight it. While Marshal didn’t want to be here, he did know he would eat well every day and have a good place to sleep every night.

Consequently, it wasn’t long before Marshal decided to simply accept and appreciate what he had here. He began to enjoy the spiritual focus, comradery and even found some self-worth in his daily work responsibilities.

Its been almost four years now. Marshal graduated and stayed on as a graduate intern in food service.

As he was setting up a lunch meeting yesterday he said to me, “I like what I do here every day.”

Then, with a smile, he added, “I have Jesus in my heart and everything I need here. In fact, I have never been happier in my life.”

Imagine that – four years living and working on this block of East Baltimore Street in the midst of 500 addicts and alcoholics – and it’s the happiest that he’s ever been in his life!

It must be Jesus!!

One Guy at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director