Proverb for the Day 28:27 — The Poor We’ll Have With Us Always…& We Better Be Careful How We Treat Them!

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.

The focus of this verse is “the poor” and the interaction others have with them. One of the most common characters in Proverbs, God has a lot to say about treatment of the poor.

In the first part of this verse are “those who give to the poor” and, once again in Proverbs it’s a good thing to treat them in an appropriate fashion. Those who do “will lack nothing.”

Since the poor have nothing to offer, while not mentioned, it would have to be God who makes this happen. Of course, He’s not a “genie in a bottle” who give us everything we want. But, the fact is those who care about the poor will do okay.

The second part of this wise saying addresses “those who close their eyes” to the poor. Obviously it’s not that they don’t see them – just that they choose to ignore their needs.

Here, it doesn’t say where these “many curses” are coming from – the poor, others who are watching or from God, Himself. Either way, this is not a great place to find ourselves. 

This wise saying is very clear that not caring about the poor is devastating. It will cost any of us who refuse to pay attention. The bottom line for this wise saying is simple – we should appreciate what we have and share it – especially with those less fortunate.

Paying attention to the poor is the right thing to do. It’s good for them, it’s good for us, too!