Home…Where You’re Feeling It!

Michael’s 46 years old and has struggled with drug addiction for decades. He decided he wanted help and joined our Helping Up Mission 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program.

From his first day in class, Michael appeared to be engaged and willing to get with the program. He’s a fun-loving guy but, at his age, is pretty serious about getting it right this time.

Almost three months now, after getting off our initial blackout for new guys, Michael started attending a church in the community. It’s been a while for him to be in church, but it feels really good and he’s learning a lot.

This past weekend Michael decided it was also time to go “home” to where he lived before coming here. He has “family” there.

So, armed with a new spiritual recovery focus, Michael went “home” on Saturday. He saw his people and they had some appropriate talks. He also got a few of his things to have with him here.

But, after a few hours, Michael just didn’t feel that comfortable. He decided it was time to go “home”(!) and headed back to Helping Up Mission. When he arrived on campus, he said he felt “at home” again.

Michael shared this vignette from the weekend during class on Monday. It says a lot about how he looks at things today. It also says a lot about the guys and the atmosphere they’ve created here.

Yet, we know we are just one big dysfunctional family, too. Michael’s one of the crazy uncles and there’s lots of crazy nephews running around, too. Then there’s a couple of old grandpas – like me!

I love my job!
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director