Donny, His Momma & His Wife!

Every Friday we have an afternoon Chapel service where we celebrate the end of another week of recovery. Each week guys who are entering our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program get introduced and men moving up to the next level or graduating are recognized.

Last Friday, I was standing in the back of the Chapel and noticed Donny. After messing up his marriage, family and career with drugs he arrived here about 6 months ago.

He seemed to be serious about this because, from the beginning, he quietly did all his work and occasionally shared some knowledge of facts or spiritual insights. A pretty bright guy, some guys began calling Donny “the professor.”

Because I already knew Donny’s mother, watching him work his recovery had some special meaning. In fact, in his world, mom was the last family member still standing to be there for him.

Donny’s been conscientiously working daily on his recovery and slowly other family members have begun reconnecting with him. Even his wife is talking to him again.

Mom frequently comes for our Friday Chapel services and was there this Friday. I saw Donny sitting next to her. But I also noticed an attractive young woman sitting on Donny’s other side – and she was sitting pretty close.

Apparently, Donny’s even made some progress in reestablishing his relationship with his wife! I know it’s just a small step down a long road, but it was great to see them there together.

God once said through the prophet Joel, “I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten” (2:25). Donny’s feeling that today – and I love my job!

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director