Heading To Georgia!

Every day in class we pass around a Prayer Sheet and guys can write a prayer request or a praise/thank you to God. At the end of class we pray about each request.

This week, one of the new guys has been writing: “Pray that I can get clean and stay clean.” I’ve prayed for him each day.
Today, when I read his request and prayed for him, I added, “LORD, I don’t who this is — but I’ve prayed with him every day about this. And I trust you to answer this prayer.”
After class ended a guy came up and said, “I’m the one who keeps praying to get clean and stay clean.” Jerry, 50, has struggled with addiction for 35 years and just managed to mess up the last thing in his life that still mattered!
Last week, he was drunk and got in a verbal altercation with his girlfriend and she called the police. He decided to leave before they arrived and check himself into the hospital for detox. 
They got Jerry stabilized and, upon his release, he was headed back home to Atlanta. At the bus station he called his girlfriend, told her he was going and said if she wanted to bring any of his things he’d appreciate it.

She suggested he try something else. A friend had told her about Helping Up Mission. She gave Jerry the address and suggested he try here first before going south.

That was last Monday. He’s still here — and still praying every day.

His girlfriend even brought him a few of his things — including cigarettes! They’re expensive, so she must still love him.

Don’t know how it’s going to go for Jerry, but I do know Who can help this brother out!

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director