June 2015 Executive Director Update

Bob Gehman, Executive Director
HUM is a gift of life to many men like 2014-2015 Graduate Wayne Chisholm (Feature story in our May Newsletter) who struggle with life threatening chemical addictions, poverty and homelessness. Many of the 500 men in residence will say, “HUM has saved my life.”

When you give to HUM, without a doubt, you are saving and changing the lives of those in need. Your giving is truly an act of love because you are requiring nothing in return and giving life to those who are on a path that leads to hospitals, jails and an early grave. Many family members who have lost their loved ones so wish they had had the opportunity to be at a place like HUM and begin a journey of hope instead.

Your prayers, encouragement, and financial gifts provide help and life-saving services for approximately 48 new men every month, who will arrive at HUM in great need of the help we provide. On their behalf, thank you for your loyalty, faithfulness and compassion to those in need here at Helping Up Mission!!

May GOD Bless each of you!