Grad, Grad, Certified…Been A Good Year!

Wes arrived at HUM in 2014 at age 43. He had a pretty good life, but a few months of messing with crack cocaine left him on the verge of losing everything that mattered to him.

A friend advised Wes to come to Helping Up Mission for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program. While it hadn’t been years of addiction, it still wasn’t easy for him to just sit still here — but he knew he needed it.

So, once he decided to settle in for the long-term, Wes got busy. He never did much running, but decided to join our HUM Back on My Feet running team and began doing things he never thought he could do.

Wes has a daily work therapy responsibility here in our kitchen. He was such a faithful, diligent worker that he wound up becoming an undergraduate food service Intern for us.

Since he was here and going to stay a while, Wes also decided to work on earning his high school diploma in our Innovative Learning Center.

So, today, Wes stopped me to tell me what’s going on. He’s a 2015 HUM graduate with 18 months clean. Last month he also earned his state of Maryland High School Diploma.

Now a graduate food service Intern here, Wes just earned his State of Maryland ServSafe certification in food preparation.

I don’t know exactly what’s next for him…but I get the idea that it’s going to be pretty good!

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director