Proverb for the Day 14:2 — See God As He Really Is!

Whoever fears the Lord walks uprightly, but those who despise him are devious in their ways.

This verse contrasts two different kinds of people: those who “fears the LORD” and those “who despise” the LORD.

“Whoever fears the LORD” are those whose attitude and actions are in concert with God’s plan for them. Consequently, he or she is a person that “walks uprightly.”

The idea of being afraid of God and reverential awe of Him are both understood by “fears the LORD.” But, at its core, this phrase is all about the ability to see God as He really is.

If I understand who he really is, I will be afraid and in awe! But, to fear Him is to really know Him – know His righteousness, love and power. To fear God is to see and know Him in all His greatness!

But there are still those who are “devious in their ways.” The idea here is one who’s turned aside or departed – even ceased – from the right path.

This is simply a person who has lost his or her way. Or, maybe worse, one who’s chosen to turn away from God’s plan for their life.

How I understand God is going to impact how I act. This will make a difference about how I live now and for eternity!

I’m going to have to make some choices…they’ll come one day at a time.