A “Divine Appointment” at the Department of Social Services!

Al’s an older guy who grew up in a family and neighborhood of alcohol and drug addiction. He says that was all he knew and was unaware that getting high every day was not normal behavior. Once addicted, he couldn’t do anything else.

But, as an adult, Al realized he was not destined to a life of addiction and he didn’t want to be that guy any longer. Unfortunately, homeless he just didn’t know how to get help to get started.  

One day at the Department of Social Services he met Don, a Helping Up Mission graduate Intern.  Don was navigating our guys through the system and was really getting things done, so Al asked him what was going on. Don explained what happened to him at HUM and suggested Al could do it, too!

So he showed up and today Al feels like he’s had a second chance at life. He doesn’t worry about what he will eat, where he will sleep or whether he can shower or not. The structure and accountability of Al’s day has also given him some self-respect again.

Today, he talks with amazement that he showed up at DSS the same day Don was there — that they even sat next to each other! It was just a “divine appointment,” and trust me, Al, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

One “Divine Appointment” at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director