I Know You’re in There Somewhere!

Like so many of us, Jay grew up in a good home with parents that cared — but he managed to not let that affect him very much!

He had skills and made a pretty good living, but chemicals really became an issue. Holding him back from reaching his potential professionally, they also hindered relationships with those who loved him.

A poignant moment in the process occurred one day at his parent’s house. His mother grabbed him by the shoulders and squared him up to look her in the eye. She tapped on his chest and said in love, disappointment and hope, “I know you’re in there somewhere!”

Jay tried to forget about it, but the look in her face and those words would not go away. Finally there was a family intervention and he wound up here.

He had no intention to stay, but God met him at Helping Up Mission and has profoundly impacted his heart and life. Jay has developed a real spiritual walk and works his recovery. He made a daily commitment to give back to others less fortunate.

Jay graduated from our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program last week and is going to stay on as a graduate Intern. He is following through on his commitment to help others who could use a little bit of what helped him.

One Jay at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director