The #20 Bus Stopped Right Outside HUM!

Greg says he was on a path of destruction. An over-the-road tractor trailer driver, he made good money. But paid every Friday, he was broke every Monday! Greg spent it on drugs.

At some point, he could see that others were losing respect for him and it mattered, because he had already lost respect for himself. Greg knew NA and understood that spirituality was a critical component in the program, but he had never really given it a shot in his life.

He tried church, too, but a bad experience with someone there kept him from finding what he needed. So, one day Greg quit his job at the marine terminal and rode the #20 bus home. While his house was farther down the line, when the bus stopped just behind Helping Up Mission, he decided to get off and walked over to our campus. Greg was tired of this way of life!

At HUM, he has begun to connect to that spiritual demension of recovery which seemed so elusive in the past. He found it to be real and good things began to happen.

Life’s not perfect today, but Greg feels good about himself again. It’s been about 7 months and he has a real sense of God working in his life. There are answers for his struggles. And maybe best of all — Greg’s spiritual recovery is just getting started!

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director