It’s Still Working! — One Degree At A Time!!

Today Chris is sharing his story in our Friday Chapel service. First arriving at Helping Up Mission in 2007, he was totally defeated on life by his drug addiction. But the Chris who graduated one year later really was a different guy.

He’d made a lot of changes in his thinking and focus during that year — especially understanding from where the spiritual power in his life comes. Now he was ready to do something with it.

Still living on our campus in graduate transitional housing, Chris enrolled at Baltimore City Community College and received an AA in Addictions Counseling. Although he already knew lots about the addictions part(!) there was plenty to learn on the counseling side.

During that time Chris married Jenn and moved off campus. Then he enrolled at University of Maryland, Baltimore County and earned a BA in Clinical Social Work. By now he was getting that counseling side of addictions counseling down pretty good, too!

But, since he’d done “graduate work” on the addiction side, Chris decided to do some grad work on the counseling side, too! He enrolled in the University of Maryland School of Social Work and earned his Master of Social Work.

Still, Chris understands from where his spiritual power comes. So he’s presently enrolled at Wesley Theological Seminary to develop aspect of his life and calling, as well! A Master of Divinity is on the schedule for 2017.

All the while Chris has been using his training and experience on the job — currently Clinical Director at Home Free IOP and professor at BCCC where it all started!

Spiritual Recovery really does work!

One Guy at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director