I Got Nothing! Proverb for the Day 30:2

“I am the most ignorant of men; I do not have a man’s understanding.”

These words are part of a longer poetic section (:2-9) spoken by Agur (:1) about himself. Mentioned nowhere else in Scripture or ancient history, I’ll suggest he was not someone important — probably just a regular person like us.

Our verse seems to indicate that’s exactly how he saw himself, too. Noting he was not particularly smart or insightful, Agur says “I am the most ignorant of men, I do not have a man’s understanding.”

So, while not anyone special – neither rich, famous, important nor powerful – God still chose to use him to write a chapter in the Bible. Admittedly, there were other Bible writers who also felt unqualified for their callings — like Amos (7:14), Jeremiah (1:6), Isaiah (6:5), Solomon (1 Kings 3:7) and even Moses (Ex 3:11; 6:12).

But Agur seems to stand out as a truly unknown person. The truth is, God specializes in using people that others wouldn’t consider using…and then doing the most amazing things through them!

I find that to be pretty comforting. He used Agur — He just might use me, too!