“Sorry, Dad, I’m Just Not Ready Yet”

Mel’s been at Helping Up Mission for almost 9 months. At 55, and struggling for years with a heroin addiction, he was ready to try our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program.

Here, Mel’s been focused on his own recovery — especially addressing the underlying issues that cause him to use…and it’s been working. He feels good about himself again — and others can see it in him, too.

But there’s an old saying in recovery — “You have to give it away to keep it!” Focused and working on his own recovery, Mel now has some experience, strength and hope he can pass on to others.

Mel has a 28-year old son who also struggles with addiction and it’s tearing up his life. Dad knows exactly how his son feels…and, today, he has something to offer him.

So Mel encouraged his son to go ahead and get the same kind of help he received, himself. His son admitted he needed something and agreed to go into a recovery program.

But when it was time to move and Mel called his son — he was nowhere to be found! Eventually, when they did talk, Mel’s son said, “Sorry, dad, I knew that was you calling. I didn’t answer because I didn’t want to have to tell you no. I’m just not ready yet!”

While disappointed, Mel understood. No one could make him to go into recovery until he was ready, either!

Dad responded, “You’re my son and I will always love you — and you’ll have to find your way like I did. But I do want you to have what I have today.”

Mel’s in process…and God’s not done with his son yet, either! You may want to keep both of them in your prayers.

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director