“Yes, Wonderful Things…”

These were the words of Egyptologist Howard Carter, in 1922, to Lord Carnarvon, the benefactor and sponsor of his search for the tomb of King Tut in the Valley of the Kings.  It was the archaeologist’s response to Carnarvon (standing right behind him) about what he was seeing as he peered into the tomb for the first time. 

While I have excavated some pretty amazing things over the years in the Holy Land, myself, I admit I haven’t found Tut-type stuff.  But I do think I have seen some absolutely “wonderful things” at Helping Up Mission these past 12 years.

I have shared many of these stories in my blogs (this is #278 during the past 4 years), but still knew I was not doing a very good job at really getting out the word about all the wonderful things that happen here daily.  So I have added a new wrinkle. 

At the beginning of July I began to Tweet two or three times a day (in 140 characters or less!) a bit more about the stories that happen here daily.  This week, I synchronized my Tweets to my Facebook page so others can also read what I have written.  There has been quite a bit of response.    
So I will continue to blog here, but also invite you to visit me on Facebook and Twitter.  I really want you to get the chance to hear about the wonderful things that I get to see at HUM every day.   

All for the Cause,
Pastor Gary Byers
Spiritual Life Director

PS  As I am writing these words, my sister-in-law is actually visiting Lord Carnarvon’s home, Highclere Castle, in Hampshire, England.  Hope she brings me something!  Most of you probably know it better as the primary setting for the British television period drama Downton Abbey.