Phil Gave What Away?

Phil, 44, is an intelligent, capable guy who’s battled alcohol for decades. He’s also had lots of involvement with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) — and believes the material — but has struggled practicing it day by day.

Despite his addiction, Phil got a college education and had a couple of good jobs in different career fields. But alcohol always won and Phil would manage to mess up what he had.

He arrived at Helping Up Mission in June 2015, ready and willing to try something different. He settled into our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program and did what we suggested.

In most cases, they were things Phil already knew — but just couldn’t stay the course consistently. So the structured environment here helped him focus on his priorities.

In his own quiet way Phil worked at his recovery, renewed his spiritual commitment to God…and found himself in a good place to help others.

All the men of HUM have daily Work Therapy Assignments (WTA) on campus. Because of his skills and experience, Phil’s was in our Innovative Learning Center.

That meant his daily responsibilities involved helping other HUM guys studying for their high school diplomas. Phil’s special focus was assisting them in developing computer skills — now a Maryland High School Diploma requirement.

While not an expert, Phil helped guys set up their own email accounts, learn to access their accounts and, then, read and write their own emails. He also taught them how to use the internet for job information and helped with their resumes.

His AA training taught Phil that investing time and energy in others in a powerful recovery tool — and, today, helping another guy get exciting about changing things in his life also gives Phil joy and purpose in his own life.

Now that’s how recovery’s supposed to work!

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director

Been Eight Years Since…

I first met Jon in 2007, the year he arrived at Helping Up Mission. Born in West Africa, he’d been in the US for a while and developed a chemical addiction here.

Once in our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program, Jon consciously worked at his recovery. Wanting to change and willing to take suggestions, he did what we advised and graduated one year later.

Then Jon moved on…and I lost touch with him.

I saw Jon again yesterday…and with great enthusiasm he shared with me that he’d been clean for 8 years — since first arriving at HUM. But it’s not been an easy time — recently Jon also became a cancer survivor.

Now on disability, his most recent living arrangements didn’t go so well, so Jon came back here as an overnight guest until better arrangements could be made.

As a graduate of our Program, Jon would be eligible to live here again…but he wants to have his own place.

It was great seeing him after all these years. While things aren’t perfect, Jon’s just appreciating the life God’s given him…

…One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director

Peter Went to Court Yesterday…

When he arrived at Helping Up Mission 7 months ago, Peter had spent 25 years of his life battling with drugs and alcohol. But he wanted help — and also had a court date pending.

Those pending court dates sure do help guys get into programs…looks good when they stand before a judge. But our HUM staff understands — most of them did it, too!

So we accepted Peter, 49, into our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program. A bright guy who has done a lot of things in his life — many of them illegal — when not under the influence of a chemical, he’s not so bad to be around.

But it wasn’t easy, at his age, quietly settling in here with the other 499 guys who reside at HUM. It took Peter a little time — but he did it.

And, in the last couple of months, I think we finally got to meet the real Peter!

At court yesterday, the judge, too, met this new Peter — but she also had his massive criminal record in her hand. She liked who she met…but she didn’t like all that was in his case file.

So it was probation for a couple of years and graduate from HUM. Peter will be here a while — he’s going to college next semester. Turns out he really likes helping people and wants to get some training.

He got some help…and found some hope — and now Pete wants to pass it on!

One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director

Self-Respect, HS Diploma & New Mouthful of Teeth…Life’s Good!

Donny had battled chemical addiction off and on for years — but his last 10-year run just about killed him. He arrived at Helping Up Mission for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program in September 2011.

Once here, he just settled in and made a conscious effort to work on his recovery. Donny benefited from his mental health counseling and started facing the issues that caused him to keep drinking.

Then, at age 50, Donny began to believe he could still get his high school diploma and started working on it with our staff and tutors every day.

Also, in his addiction, Donny hadn’t taken good care of his teeth and he got the opportunity to change that through our partnership with the University of Maryland Dental School.

This all sounds good, but it wasn’t easy. Working through his personal issues was painful — but important.

Studying English and math again after 33 years wasn’t fun, either. And before he could get what he wanted…Donny had to have every tooth pulled that he hadn’t already lost!

On top of all this, while here, Donny lost both of his parents.

But a new Donnie was emerging. After 4 years at HUM, last week Donnie moved into his own place in the city.

He left here as a graduate of our Program with 4 years and 2 months of recovery time, his high school diploma, a completely new mouthful of teeth and a great feeling about himself — under God.

We expect to see Donny come back around regularly. It will be good for him and good for the new guys showing up here. Spiritual recovery really does work…

…One Day at a Time,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director

Happy Thanksgiving to Daniel!

I first met Daniel, 44, here at Helping Up Mission in 2012. He’s battled drugs and alcohol for 25 years.

In 1999, he had a spiritual awakening in a Florida jail. A series of unfortunate events — with a supernatural ending brought him into a personal relationship with God. But practicing it daily hasn’t been easy.

His longest clean time was his year in our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program in 2013 — when he also earned his High School Diploma.

But once Daniel uses, everything changes and he arrived here again in October. He also had another pending court date in the local county where he grew up.

No stranger to their courts, Daniel told me he’s been arrested almost 100 times there! He’s not an evil guy — but chemicals cause him to do things that keep getting him arrested!

So, he arrived at court last week with HUM documentation — but no lawyer — and found he was going before “the meanest judge in the county!”

Daniel did that 11 years ago and she harangued him for 45 minutes in the courtroom — now he wants a jury trial.

But the State’s Attorney wanted to help lawyer-less Daniel and dropped numerous charges — minimizing time he’d have to serve…and took his case below the threshold for a jury trial.

The judge wasn’t in the mood to deal and Daniel was in the courtroom for hours watching person after person receive jail time. Then it was his turn.

The judge was annoyed with the State’s Attorney’s efforts and even questioned whose interests he was representing – the State or the defendant! Then the judge asked Daniel to speak and he did…about 45 minutes! She kept asking him questions and he kept telling her what he thought.

Turns out the judge is in recovery and ruled Daniel should do 90 meetings in 90 days, get a sponsor and do Step work…at HUM!

Happy Thanksgiving, Daniel!
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director

Raven Invasion Continues…They Just Keep Coming!

Since his first Thanksgiving in Baltimore — after arriving with Head Coach John Harbaugh 8 years ago — Ravens Senior Offensive Assistant Coach Craig Ver Steeg has been investing ministry time here at Helping Up Mission.

Coach Craig, as he’s known here, shows up frequently throughout the year to share with HUM guys the spiritual lessons he’s learning daily in his own life and how those principles can apply to each of them, as well.

During the two weeks following the Ravens Super Bowl XLVII victory, Coach Craig stopped by HUM twice to talk with the guys. Such a special event in his life, he came to share it with his friends!

I was Craig’s main contact here, but I was on my archaeology dig in Jordan at the time…turns out he doesn’t come to HUM to talk with me!

In recent years Coach Craig’s also showed up for our annual HUM Graduation Dinner at Martin’s West — where we honor that year’s graduating class. Before the ceremony begins Coach meets with all the HUM grads, band, singers and ushers…and he gives them a “pre-game pep talk!”

So, I wasn’t surprised to hear from Coach Craig about coming to serve Thanksgiving Dinner here yesterday. And this time he and his son, Ian, brought reinforcements!

Ravens Offensive Coordinator Mark Trestman, Offensive Coach Andy Bischoff and his brother Peter along with HUM favorite Justin Tucker and wife Amanda all served yesterday, as well.

No cameras, no media, no PR — just thankful people serving thankful people!

And, for the 3rd time in 2 weeks, the Baltimore Ravens showed up to give a shot of hope to a bunch of guys looking for some hope…answers…and empowerment.

Thanks Coach and company!
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director

New Year’s Eve…Labor Day…Thanksgiving 2015

After 8 years of sobriety and step work, Robert took a drink…and it started a 24-year run!

Then last New Year’s Eve, Robert’s neighbor asked him to support her at an AA meeting. They went and Robert made a few new acquaintances, saw some old friends from 24 years ago, and ran into his son — now 4 years clean, himself — whom Robert hadn’t seen in 6 years.

But Robert kept drinking…lost his job and his place…and became homeless. Yet, shame and pride kept Robert from getting help. Then 2 months ago he was standing outside a store window. A lady came out and asked if she could help him and he said no.

She went back, he continued standing there and she came out again. “I know you,” she said. But Robert didn’t know her.

“You’re Rich’s father. I met you at an AA meeting 9 months ago! Here, call this number and go there — they’ll help you.” It was Helping Up Mission.

But Robert hadn’t heard good things about missions and said so. “I wouldn’t send Rich’s dad anywhere that wouldn’t be good for him. In fact, go to this AA meeting tonight and you’ll meet some HUM guys there — talk with them.”

His need and her genuine care got Robert to that meeting. He talked with those guys and decided to come for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program.

But, being Labor Day weekend, no intake again till Tuesday. So Robert went to another meeting that night…met a few more HUM guys…and an old AA friend.

His old friend took Robert home for the weekend, fed him, gave him clean clothes and brought him that Tuesday morning to HUM.

Robert shared his story in class this week…Happy Thanksgiving, Robert!

Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director

All Dressed Up…But Not Ready To Go!

Steven, 44, arrived here for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program almost 9 months ago. His accumulated years of addiction had negatively impacted his life, career and marriage long enough — so his wife told him to get to Helping Up Mission!

With a spiritual background, Steven knew he wasn’t doing right, but found himself powerless to change…and his drug addiction was a central issue that had to be addressed.

So, from the day he arrived, it seemed to me that Steven was a man on a mission — a mission to find God’s plan for his life and then follow it. He availed himself of every opportunity for a positive experience he could find here at HUM — including classes, counseling and a good group of peers.

Now clean and focused in his thinking, Steven began considering his future. He and his wife regrouped in their relationship and church became an important influence in his life again.

As for his career…at the point when he was eligible to go back to work, Steven chose to go earn a certificate in culinary arts. Last week I saw him in our parking lot just shining in his white chef’s outfit, his name embroidered on his pocket.

Steven was returning from his graduation ceremony with both his certification of completion and his ServeSafe certification from the National Restaurant Association.

We talked about future plans. Of course, he’s planning on working in the food service industry, but he doesn’t have the pressure of finding a job right away. He’ll keep looking until the right one appears.

What his wife wants him to do is stay here till he graduates from HUM, too!

It’s one day at a time for Steven…and his wife. And they’re walking this thing together — under God.

One Day at a Time for the rest of us, too!
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director

Raven Invasion @HUM…The Rest of the Story

Raven Invasion @HUM...The Rest of the Story 6

At 10:30 this morning 7 members of the Baltimore Ravens football team stepped out and showed up — for the 12th Annual Ravens Coat Drive at Helping Up Mission. The morning after a 22-20 time-expired-on-the-clock home loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars, these guys made themselves available in the Baltimore community. Bravo!

Raven Invasion @HUM...The Rest of the Story 1

Admittedly it was a friendly crowd of Ravens fans, but it still had to be uncomfortable for them to show up and face anyone — yet they kept their commitment to the men of HUM. Even Steeler fans were impressed!

Raven Invasion @HUM...The Rest of the Story 2

And Fox 45 was here on campus documenting the whole thing — starting at 5AM and doing live-feed teasers every 30 minutes previewing this Ravens community outreach event.

Raven Invasion @HUM...The Rest of the Story 3

Raven Invasion @HUM...The Rest of the Story 4

So, from this 3-decade Redskins fan, special props to and a new level of respect for Joe Flacco, Elvis Dumervil, Marshal Yanda, Buck Allen, Daryl Smith, Kapron Lewis-Moore and Towson U’s Terrance West.

Raven Invasion @HUM...The Rest of the Story 6

You guys are my AFC team forever!

Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director

After 3 Years Here…Greg’s Moving On — Back With His Wife!

Greg, 42, arrived at Helping Up Mission over 3 years ago struggling with his drug addiction. A quiet, gentle, hardworking guy — he just couldn’t stop getting high…and wound up losing his job and his marriage.

At that point, his sister (10 years in recovery, herself) helped Greg get here for our 12-month residential Spiritual Recovery Program. A good guy when clean and focused, he was willing to follow suggestions and was able to make some significant changes in his thinking…and behaviors.

When eligible, Greg went back to work in the community. Then he graduated from our Program and, with no better place to go, decided to continue living here on campus in graduate transitional housing.

But this new Greg also began communicating with his wife again. While he was changing, she had been working on her own issues, too.

So, at the end of October — 3 years after arriving here — Greg finally moved on. He and his wife have a new place together close to work for both of them.

When we make changes on the inside, things also change for us on the outside!

One Day at a time for them…one day at a time for us,
Pastor Gary Byers
Deputy Director